A Mental Health Roundtable Conversation

brought to you by Mental Health America of Dutchess County

Radio Woodstock is committed to bringing Mental Wellness to the forefront in 2023 with a series of roundtable discussions that will open the conversation or break down the barriers and fears that may be present in the listeners' lives.

Addiction and Mental Wellness: A Family Affair

Moderator: Andrew O'Grady

Panelists: Dr. Larry Force is set to make a comeback; he's renowned as the pioneer behind a groundbreaking addiction treatment approach known as "Intersections." In addition to his innovative work, he holds the position of a professor at Mount Saint Mary College.

Eileen Linn, on the other hand, is a dedicated mother whose loved one battled addiction and has successfully embarked on the path to recovery.

Kathryn Sajdak, a graduate of Vassar College and Boston Graduate School of Social Work, She had worked in a variety of private and public setting as an educator, therapist, and community organizer.

Addiction and mental health affects everyone - this isn't just an individual disease - but it's a family disease. We will explore the dynamics of trauma experienced by those closest to individuals who suffer from addiction, their long-term journey, and impact it has had on their lives. We will share tools and stories that can lead to healing and forgiveness. Onstage we will invite a therapist who works with family addiction along with two individuals who have been affected by a family member who is an addict.

Mental Health First Aid

Moderator: Andrew O'Grady - CEO of Mental Health America of Dutchess County,
Panelists: Victor Zamaloff - MHA of Dutchess County
Alyssa Carrion - MHA of Dutchess County
John Richter - NYS MHA

To demystify all the nuances of mental health and addiction, offer common sense solutions, break down the stigma around these issues, and educate our listeners about how they can access help for themselves or loved ones, Radio Woodstock hosted a roundtable discussion. The moderator, Andrew 'Grady, CEO of Mental Health America of Dutchess County, facilitated a great conversation with guests Victor Zamaloff, Alyssa Carrion, from MHA of Dutchess County, and John Richter from NYS MHA. All have personal and professional expertise in mental health first aid.

Holistic Care & Your Mental Health

Moderator: Andrew O' Grady
Panelists: Mario Malvarosa - MD focused on Addiction and Mental Health
Dr. Larry Force - Private Practitioner and Professor
Elisa Gwillian - Hudson Valley Healing Center

This panel discussion focused on optimum mental wellness and how people can achieve it. Experts in medication intervention, health and wellness activities, and psychotherapy explored how individuals can best address their mental health or substance use concerns. How to access care, what type of care makes the most sense, and what is a realistic time frame for recovery were discussed. The goal of this round table was to normalize internal struggles that people endure and help them feel confident enough to access care and normal enough to realize that they are not alone and should not feel ashamed in a any way. We discussed new interventions, new technology, and how holistic care can complement traditional care.